If you are looking to book a place on a course which has Live Classes, please ensure you have first booked on the course, via the 'All Courses' page and then return here to register for the Live Class(es)

Upcoming Live Classes

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 Step 1 

Register with this site to create a log in

Make sure you remember your log in for future use. Emails about the Course/Classes will be sent to the email address that you give 

 Step 2 

Purchase the course of classes you would like to join 

You will be able to access the live classes, replays and notes about each classes content as well as group community chat

 Step 3 

Register for the live classes you wish to attend

I'm sorry that this is an extra step to have to take, but it does ensure that the live classes are secure and only able to be accessed by registered students

 Step 4 

Sign in and click attend within the live classes section

When it is time for class, go to the live class section and click attend for the session. You will have the same functionality as you would on Zoom. Please ensure that your device/browser has Zoom. Please be aware that the class will be recorded. If you would prefer to not be visible or audible, please turn off your video and remain on mute. Please see welcome notes in the course to see full rules and guidelines

 Step 5 

Watch a replay, view notes and chat in the community

The recording will be posted in the course section afterwards so will be able to replay the class if you missed it.There will also be some notes from the class and you will be able to chat with other students of the course